Friday, October 1, 2010

The Gay Boyfriend

It's October 1st!! October is my favorite month of the year- pumpkins, apple cider, camping, Halloween costumes, hay rides, scary movies, leaves changing and fallng and crunching under your feet...the colors! The smells! The sounds! What a glorious month.

At this time last year I had just been broken up with and I was a depressed, hollowed out shell of a woman. I was crying myself to sleep every night and so enveloped in a wretched, suffocating misery that my appetite for anything except vodka vanished completely. Sounds awful, but I lost 20 pounds so it wasn't all bad.

As for this time around, I can't imagine a better start to Autumn...beautiful weather, Bears are 3-0, and I'm back to my happy-go-lucky self. Minus a lil bit of my heart/empathy/emotions/ability to give a shit, but honestly, I'm better for it. I'm the New and Improved Susan, complete with a backbone, a voice, and (most days) great hair.

And I'm not entirely single- I have a wonderful gay boyfriend. While we don't enjoy lusts of the flesh with each other, he's a great date. Just yesterday we had delicious sushi at Ra and enjoyed comedy night at Sidetrack. That's one thing "Sex and the City" got right-- the Gay Boyfriend. Sometimes while watching SATC I'm baffled by these four women-- and I know it's the fantasy world of TV Land...but how do they move on from one relationship to anther so quickly?? How do they keep finding these men to date? Are straight, single men in New York that much easier to find than the straight single men of Chicago? I know I definately don't make it easy...I was a theatre major at an art school then moved to Boystown, where I continue to work. So when I pull out my hair screaming, "All the cute ones are gaaaaayyyyyy!" I suppose, to be fair, I have a skewed sample.

At least I have some absolutely delicious eye candy to nibble on while I continue the search for the next great (straight) man.

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