Let's celebrate another anniversary.....
Happy Anniversary to Tracy Fagan and Myself!!!!!! In August 2010 we both decided to become vegetarians! What began as a 30 day "let's just try this" experiment quickly turned into a "I will never eat meat again" lifestyle.
I recommend to everyone reading Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. And don't skip the uncomfortable parts....that's the point of educating yourself!! Ignorance may be bliss, but...it's still ignorant. Even if you don't choose to change anything about the way you eat, at least you'll know what you're putting in your body and what it went through to get there...and, what it does once it's inside your body. (It doesn't just taste good and then disappear, you know.) After Skinny B I read The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone. Now, if you're going to give these books a chance, definitely read them in the order I listed above. Rory and Kim don't sugar-coat anything. Literally, they hate sugar and they'll call you the "P"-word over it. They call themselves bitches for good reason; they're kind of verbally abusive....! I can appreciate their tough love- I actually kind of like it- but by the end of the book, I needed a hug. Alicia is much gentler. She doesn't call the reader a "P"-word, and she still gets her point across. She also features some amazing recipes. I love her "Baby Bok Choy", "Magic Healing Soup" (I swear it was magic and did heal me!) and "Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups". Another great book is The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, and his son, Dr. Thomas Campbell. It's a fascinating read, following a 30-year study on the health ramifications of a meat-and-dairy diet vs. a vegan one. This book shows scientific evidence of a vegan diet halting and reversing cancer-cell growth, while a meat-and-dairy diet promotes it. These are not opinions of some granola-eating, Birkenstock-wearing hippies. These are scientific facts that the doctors themselves didn't want to believe; or at first even share with colleages at the risk of being ridiculed. I'm not going to get preachy; but knowledge is power!
Now, not only have we committed to a vegetarian lifestyle, but we've both gone one step further and have been Veganish for awhile now, too!
"Vegan...ish?" you ask? Veganish is the term I've made up for the transitional in-between that I find myself in. I would very much like to give up all dairy and and animal products, but I haven't been able to fully make that commitment yet. I've already eliminated dairy from my apartment- however- once in awhile I'll admit to getting ranch dressing while dining out. I also need to give a "Woot Woot!" to my Mom and Sister...who after giving Tracy and I a few funny looks, refusing to buy Tofurkey on Thanksgiving, and continuing to eat their Turkey and Bacon Labrettis (Labrettis are delightful sandwiches that are a mix of a wrap/sandwich/calzone. Available at Something's Brewing in Grayslake, IL, and insanely delicious- my favorite used to be the Country Club (chicken salad and bacon) but now I customize my own, full-o-veggies and love...anyway...) I think curiousity got the best of them and they both read Skinny Bitch and both promptly went vegetarian! If you read my last blog entry, you'll remember the kind things I said about my father....and not for nothing! He still enjoys meat when he gets a chance- but supports our lifestyle choices without much protest. That is a supportive husband, especially when your wife is still the head chef of the hosuehould! (Props, Dad!)
Not only did my Mom and Sister go vegetarian, but within a few months my mom was sending me vegan recipes: "Cashew Leek Burgers" and "Squash and Bean Stew".... Next thing I know, they're both on the Veganish bandwagon! One day I recieved a mysterious package in the mail containing The Complete Guide to Vegan Substitutions...my mom randomly sent it to me to encourage my love of cooking and baking with a vegan heart. (Isn't my Mama awesome?) My sister posts pictures on facebook every few days of her vegan cooking endeavors- and they look painfully delicious. If she hadn't moved to TX, I'd be a frequent (self invited) dinner guest. Helloooo "BBQ "Bacon" Cheezeburgers!!" Another "Woot Woot!" to my Mom for giving us a love of and talent for cooking! It makes our Veganish lifestyles waaayy more fun, interesting, and adventurous than living off of cheetos, rice and beans and salads. (Borrrring!! I'll have the Seitan Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy, please.)
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